Public property is real estate owned by municipalities, government departments such as the Departments of Public Works and state-owned enterprises including Ithala Bank, Telkom and Transnet. All these entities have property assets that the private sector would consider investing in if they were more accessible. GovProp is a marketing platform that may be used for acquisition, partnership or to lease properties owned by government. These collective portfolios include developed properties, vacant land, mixed use properties, residential rental stock, and retail properties.

GovProp understands the challenges and frustrations private sector property practitioners, investors and developers experience when attempting to engage with public sector property owners. GovProp is the solution. We unlock the potential for the public sector to realise the full potential from their property portfolios through accessing private sector capital.


GovProp is the collaborative venture between three experienced private sector companies who have combined their property development knowhow, extensive public sector knowledge and technology expertise, to develop a platform to enable public property & private capital to meet.


Gov Prop understands the challenges and frustrations facing private sector property practitioners, investors and developers who attempt to engage with public sector property owners. We also understand the need for Government to fully embrace the private sector to help ensure their property assets are effectively utilised and invested in

Janet Channing

Kwazi Mbili

Ayanda Ngcobo

James Arnott


For public sector sellers: We offer an “easy to use” property listing and marketing tool for the public sector. Our web enabled platform allows registered sellers to log on and list their properties professionally. Interested private sector parties can then view and engage with each listed property on its merits.

For private sector capital: GovProp offers a point of contact between the public and private sectors for property transactions. Historically, the private sector has experienced challenges engaging with government in real estate transactions. GovProp, using its online property marketing platform together with supporting administrative services, simplifies the process for private sector investors. Government property should be a viable and attractive option for investors and developers to consider. GovProp makes this happen.

We understand the legislative environment: GovProp understands the legislative framework for the disposal or alienation of
immovable assets owned by the public sector. Through working with the sellers and the investors we aim to enable an
environment conducive to optimising investment in government’s property assets.

We can provide extensive transaction support and facilitate customisable solutions: We believe in customised solutions and
will tailor transaction arrangements to meet the specific requirements of the party and the property.


GovProp offers development assessment services on greenfield and brownfield sites. This additional service enables our clients to better understand the development potential and value of the real estate opportunities.  Through providing the private sector with a preliminary desktop assessment of the site’s potential developers will be better informed on how to position their proposals.  

The development assessment services may include but are not limited to:

1.  Assessing potential market need and optimal land use options;

2. Identifying the current and potential zoning, permissible usage and bulk assessment;

3. Preparing a desktop feasibility study, preliminary design concepts and the relevant documentation for a potential transaction.

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